Corvette servo 700r4 install
Corvette servo 700r4 install

Here's the "trick" - the cap is fully seated when you can't see the gasket in the bottom notch. I belong to the "if it doesn't fit, don't force it" school. There HAS to be an easy way to get that thing in place working in that limited space. If I don't do a followup either I'm still stuck or I gave up, had truck towed to a garage and paid them big money to do the simple task I can't do. Should I figure it out, will do a followup post. Do I need to pull the tranny? or drop the exhaust pipes? Those are last resorts - there has to be an easy way to get that clip compressed and into place. Everyone that I found so far simple say reinstall the clip. Most "how to" vids show either removal or doing it on the bench with tranny out. After 30 minutes of trying, took a break and searched for ideas on how to do it. Now the hard part - in that limited space, how the F do you get that clip back on? Yeah, you have to compress the cap to expose the grove for it, but now have to figure out how to get the retainer to actually go in. Pull the goodies out, transfer the parts to the new servos (lots of vasoline to hold the bottom spring in place because when you have right side jacked up it tends to slide off) and install. The solution was a pry bar to compress the cap into the tranny and while doing that, pop the clip out. Took me 15 min to figure out how to get retainer clip off. Got right side jacked up as far as it can go and jack stands installed.

corvette servo 700r4 install

The problem is where that sucker is located and the limited working space. You reuse your pin, two springs, a washer and a clip.

corvette servo 700r4 install

For those fearing tackling this, just get the full servo kit from betperformance.

Corvette servo 700r4 install